How can a crisis management program be delivered at scale?

Shell need to deliver crisis management simulations and tabletop exercises across their global markets, including Europe, the Middle East, Asia, the Americas, and Asia Pacific to test their senior decision-makers on managing a range of high-impact reputational threats or issues. As an added element, they want to be able to conduct these trainings in a secure, virtual environment, with participants joining sessions from multiple remote locations.

A view from a bridge outlining a night skyline

Scalable, cost effective crisis exercises and drills

We provide a selection of more than 20 reusable, ready-to-go crisis and emergency drills that can be deployed by regional coordinators who run their own exercises. These crisis and emergency drills test local Crisis Management Teams and communications support functions. 

We also help the Group Crisis Team to prepare and deliver annual crisis exercises for the Group Crisis Management Team, which includes participants from across the company’s C-Suite.

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