What is an effective way to create a Data Awareness Digital Action Plan?
In 2018 The London Borough of Hackney, a local UK Government authority responsible for the welfare of 300,000 residents and business owners, approached us to train their staff around the newly introduced General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
With nearly 4,000 employees who work with multiple subcontractors and volunteers, it is imperative that the staff have a thorough understanding of what their responsibilities are regarding the personal data of those living and working in this London borough.
Our continuing training follows this engaging format:
- Identification of 5 critical areas of responsibility
- Learning modules in question format (proven to increase engagement)
- A choice of freeform tasks for participants to complete to demonstrate understanding (multiple choice questions can be gamed and therefore ineffective)
We’re really excited about the results so far and delighted that LBH has made the content available on Github for any other organisation to use or repurpose.
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