Facilitator guide: Crisis90
Activating phases
How to activate and deactivate phases as an exercise progresses.
- Phases are always shown in the menu, but deactivated phases cannot be clicked on (as shown by the mouse icon).
- You can control the phases using the Admin menu in the top right of the screen.
- Click on the name of the phase you wish to activate / deactivate. Phases highlighted green are currently enabled; red means they are currently disabled.
- Also available is a dedicated, touch friendly, control panel. This is accessed at the url https://xxx/status-board
- Each phase appears in a seperate box; click on the buttons within each box to activate / deactivate that phase.
Viewing participant team submissions
How to see which teams have submitted their responses and display them for review.
- Use the Admin menu in the top right of the screen to access the Submissions page.
- Each phase that contains a the ability for a user to submit content appears as a tab. Clicking on a tab will display the current submissions.
- If there are multiple tasks within a phase they will be shown separately.
- Each submission is displayed in the Team’s colours. Click on a submission to display the content.
- Interactive Twitter content is displayed as a timeline that only shows replies from the Teams.
- As new submissions are received, they are automatically added to the screen.
Running an interactive Twitter-style phase
Drafting, publishing and managing tweets in an Interactive Twitter phase.
- While a facilitator can write a Tweet using the main compose box, this will publish the tweet as the logged in user which is not normally desirable.
- Instead, click on the Control button to access the facilitators interface.
- Choose the Author you want to create the tweet as. Authors are split into groups based on their assigned type.
- Compose the tweet, and choose whether to publish it immediately, or save it as a draft for later.
- A large number of drafts can be stored for quick publishing during the phase.
- If a tweet is accidentally published / incorrect, it can be deleted.