Social media crisis training: Aviation

Social Simulator works with airports, airlines and airport authorities across the US and beyond to train and test teams in handling a crisis situation. Our cutting-edge software brings simulations to life with fast-moving social media, stakeholder email and broadcast news coverage.

Why Social Simulator?

The aviation sector has seen how digital channels add unprecedented challenge to business operations. From the viral video of a passenger being forcibly ejected from a plane, to passengers live-streaming a terrifying emergency landing caused by a blown engine, being able to react to criticism quickly and effectively online is essential.

With the right skills and confidence to properly harness the channels, digital also offers a massive opportunity to build brand loyalty and customer engagement.

Our training and simulation platforms allow aviation teams to hone their digital communication skills in a safe, behind-closed-doors environment.

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For emergency planners

Our simulation exercises test whether emergency and crisis response processes and structures are fit for purpose, expose any gaps, and identify future training needs.


For digital teams

Our platform allows digital responders to practise fast, direct means of engaging with the people that matter most – like passengers, staff, partner agencies and influencers.


For crisis leaders

Our simulation platform offers real-time ‘line of sight’ of the communications output of internal teams and partners, giving leaders the full moving picture for directing the response.

Case studies



We helped Rolls-Royce test its global crisis management structure and processes in response to a serious product issue.

How we helped Rolls-Royce


Vancouver Airport

We helped Vancouver Airport Authority test its digital responders and those of key stakeholders after a (simulated) serious aircraft incident.

How we helped YVR


Partner agencies

We support partner agencies in their crisis work with aviation clients, like in this Stevie Award-winning project at Frankfurt Airport.

Stress test in real time at Frankfurt Airport

“The Social Simulator – with a real-time and adaptive pseudo media element – helps to take continuity training to the next level.”

Andy Marshall, Business Continuity and Crisis Management Lead, Rolls-Royce plc

Watch a 90-sec overview

Find out more: see our products, get a quote

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