A crisis plan is an essential go-to resource for any organization trying to manage a crisis. It sets out the guidelines and processes that your teams need to follow to ensure that they respond to the crisis in the right way and prevent it from causing serious damage to your reputation.
Improved team performance when it counts
Make sure your team is doing the right things at the right time to help protect your reputation and the interests of your organization.
Enhanced organizational resilience
Having a clear and effective process to follow can often mean the difference between a good and a bad crisis response.
Enhanced training value
We’ve trained teams that have a plan in place and teams that don’t and the teams that have a plan get far more value from the crisis training they deliver to make sure that their people are match-fit.
Quite often the details of how best to harness social media during a crisis are overlooked, but these channels are often the first port of call for customers and reporters looking for information and guidance when things go wrong. Giving your team a dedicated Social Media Toolkit helps to ensure that you maximize the opportunities presented by social media during a crisis.
Improved speed of response
News spreads on social media faster than on any other channel, so having the ability to respond promptly and effectively online means that you give yourself a chance of being seen and heard first.
Improved ability to resonate with stakeholders
Authenticity is the key currency on social media, so make sure your teams and leaders are able to communicate in a way that cuts through with your target audiences.
Counteract misinformation at source
Misinformation is ranked Number 1 on many Risk Registers and usually starts and spreads online, adding complexity and challenges during a crisis. Make sure that your team has the techniques they need to counteract misinformation that prevent it from gaining a foothold.
We’ll work with you to make sure that you develop a plan or toolkit that’s right for your organization. This includes conducting initial reviews of existing or related processes to make sure that what we develop fits with your process. We also conduct interviews with key members of your team at the outset of a project to help identify real-world pinch points and issues that our resources will need to help resolve.
Throughout the project you will have ample opportunity to review our progress and provide feedback on the work that we are doing to ensure that you get a Plan or Toolkit that works for you.